You’re Not Alone

You’re not alone. Sobriety and healing are within your reach—you can make it happen. I know because I’ve done it, and I believe you can, too. I’ve felt lost, confused, and hopeless. I want your journey to have hope, inspiration, and motivation. That’s what you’ll find here.

Life Coach Life Coach

Meet It, Greet It, Transform It technique & Thought Firewall Exercise

Raise your hand if you struggle with negative thoughts and emotions. Don’t worry—you’re not alone. We all do from time to time, and if we’re in recovery or healing, those negative thoughts and emotions can be quite persistent.

Why do we lean toward negative thinking so easily? Neuroscientists call it “negative bias,” which was great when we had to be on alert for predators over 100,000 years ago, but not so great now. The awesome thing is that we now understand our brains are malleable. We can rewire them toward positive thinking, emotions, and behaviors. The more we push our brains in that direction, the more they will go that way on their own.

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