You’re Not Alone

You’re not alone. Sobriety and healing are within your reach—you can make it happen. I know because I’ve done it, and I believe you can, too. I’ve felt lost, confused, and hopeless. I want your journey to have hope, inspiration, and motivation. That’s what you’ll find here.

Life Coach Life Coach

Self-Care & Recovery Tools

How often have you read here about how important it is to practice self-care and have tools while on your journey of recovery and healing? It would be helpful to have it in one place. I'll update it as I think of more, so keep checking back!

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Life Coach Life Coach

Creating Boundaries with a Loved One

I love the topic of boundaries. It's right up there with having an attitude of gratitude and self-care. Creating healthy boundaries is a crucial form of self-care, especially if you’re in a relationship with someone struggling with addiction. After the disclosure of my husband’s addiction, I realized just how much I misunderstood boundaries. I thought I was setting limits, but really, I was trying to control an uncontrollable situation, which made us both miserable. Through my own recovery journey, I learned that boundaries are about emotional security, not control. Here’s what helped me create healthy boundaries with compassion and respect.

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Life Coach Life Coach

Creating A Safe Space

Have you ever had "one of those days?" What about "one of those moments?" For those of us in recovery and healing, knowing how to handle challenging days and moments is an essential part of our recovery and healing journey. And it's much better than having One of Those Days! like Limp Biscuit. Having a safe space at home can help alleviate stress and calm our nerves while promoting and maintaining a positive mindset. It's also a perfect place to go when you're experiencing a trigger.

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Life Coach Life Coach

Wednesday Wellness: spoon Theory

As many of you know, I get migraines. Like, all the time. I used to push myself to get through the pain, until I realized I was causing myself more harm than good. So, I invested in my health and did whatever it took to find more days enjoying life, than writhing in pain in bed.

During that time, I became a moderator of a migraine forum, and that’s where I heard about the Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino.

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