Automatic Negative Thoughts
Automatic Negative Thoughts (aka ANTs because they can line up and march around our brain) can hinder our forward progress. I also called it my "addict voice" because it liked to whisper those negative thoughts in my ear when I was feeling BLASTed (bored, lonely, angry, stressed, tired).
Examples of ANTs:
This is my fault.
I'm not worthy.
I won't amount to anything.
They're talking about me.
I'm selfish.
Why do we get them?
For some of us, our ANTs develop from core beliefs about ourselves, others, and even the world. They can be triggered during times of stress and anxiety or when we're feeling BLASTed. They can lead to feelings of sadness, insecurities, self-doubt, anxiety, and irritability. We may even get them from our FOO.
How do we get rid of them?
Acknowledge them: Meet It, Greet It, Transform It.
Challenge them: Is what you're thinking true? Are you making a "worst case" scenario? You can try Putting Your Thoughts On Trial.
Reframe it. Is there a positive? Ask yourself if you're taking on responsibilities you shouldn't: blame, anger, or someone else's struggles.
Talk back: Yep, talk back. Out loud. In a mirror if you want. (you can even thank them for showing up and ask what they want) Remove their power!
Write a gratitude list: what are you grateful for at this moment? Are you thankful for your dedication to your sobriety? Your faith? Your continued hope? Your pet? Your allies? Your fuzzy socks?
Who's voice is it? Is it yours or someone else's?
Where do you feel it in your body?
Do something kind for yourself.
Give yourself grace and compassion.
Words of affirmation
Look at them for what they really are
Find a support network
Seek professional help
If you have any questions, please let me know. I answer my emails unless you’re a solicitor.
Sending everyone happy and healthy vibes,
If you reach out, please be patient. I’m not a life coach anymore because of my health issues.