You’re Not Alone
You’re not alone. Sobriety and healing are within your reach—you can make it happen. I know because I’ve done it, and I believe you can, too. I’ve felt lost, confused, and hopeless. I want your journey to have hope, inspiration, and motivation. That’s what you’ll find here.
Wednesday Wellness: P.A.U.S.E
Today’s acronym is a great reminder to take a moment to breathe before jumping into something in the heat of the moment. Especially if you’re in an argument, anxiety, or a trigger.
Wellness Wednesday: Compliments
Which one are you:
Friend: "That hairstyle looks great on you. It frames your face perfectly."
You: "Really? I just wanted it out of my eyes."
Friend: "That hairstyle looks great on you. It frames your face perfectly."
You: "Thank you, I appreciate knowing it looks good."
Wednesday Wellness: Deep Breathing; Box Breathing
I remember when I was trying to process my trauma, someone in my recovery group recommended that I take some deep breaths. Here I was, getting swallowed up in memories from my past, and she was telling me to breathe. I thought she was joking, but I heeded her advice, and lo and hold, she was right.
Deep breaths worked. Who knew what we do subconsciously when applied with conscious thought, could bring such serenity? Certainly not me. Now, it's a favorite tool in my toolkit, a reminder that I have the power to calm my mind and body when tensions start to rise.