You’re Not Alone
You’re not alone. Sobriety and healing are within your reach—you can make it happen. I know because I’ve done it, and I believe you can, too. I’ve felt lost, confused, and hopeless. I want your journey to have hope, inspiration, and motivation. That’s what you’ll find here.
The Three Circles
One of the most frequent questions I’m asked, and I see online is, “What’s considered a relapse in recovery?” To me, it’s a personal choice. I believe that each person’s recovery is their own to define. What may be a bottom-line to me may not be a bottom-line to someone else. As you know, I quit cocaine cold-turkey over thirty years ago and then white-knuckled sobriety for years until my husband’s SLA addiction resurfaced. That gave both of us an opportunity to do a deep dive on our recoveries and really start healing from our traumas and move away from what our FOO had taught us.